Home General How To Grow Lima Beans In A Cup?

How To Grow Lima Beans In A Cup?

how to grow lima beans in a cup

Lima beans originated from South and Central America’s and do well in temperatures over 60 degrees. They also grow easily indoors and even in cups. Today, we will learn on how to grow lima beans in a cup.

Read on if you want to become a guru in growing lima beans indoors.

For lima bean recipes this link will come in hardy.

First, let’s start with the basics acquiring the seed:


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Where To Buy Lima Beans To Grow?

The seeds are available from a number of vendors. Here we list a few:

As you would expect, Amazon is your go-to solution whenever your neighborhood stores are not forthcoming.

They stock a number of Lima beans seed varieties.

Here is a link to Amazon.com on Lima beans seed varieties section.

  • EBay

The other online store we found Lima Beans seeds on sale is Ebay. You can check their options.

  • Individual Farms, Garden Supply Stores or Local Nursery

There is also a sprinkling of a few stores, nurseries and individuals who pack certified Lima Bean Seeds for sale. The variety and packaging differ so it’s advisable to contact them directly.

You may actually find one in your locality so start there.


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Lima Bean Plant Life Cycle

Gardeners cherish lima beans due to fast growth and minimal maintenance.

Understanding its life cycle stages will help you care for this awesome vegetable and ensure optimal success plus a big harvest.

The 4 keys stages are:

  • The Lima Seed

The cycle starts with you planting the flat, round Lima bean seed. Remember that every bean has 2 identical sides with the embryo (tiny plant) at the centre.

Plant it in your planter of choice and water.

Your seeds should germinate within 7-14 days.

  • Lima Seed Germination

After watering, the seed will germinate. The hard shell around your lima bean will burst open with the root now starting to grow downwards (from your bean towards the ground).

This paves way to the seedlings..

  • Lima Seedling

Gradually, the Lima bean moves above the ground with a stem now appearing on the fledgling plant.

Its roots are now anchoring your plant firmly to the ground.

After a couple of days, leaves will appear on the plant’s stem and start growing towards the sunlight.

Your plant is now a seedling.

It takes around 2-3 months for the seedlings to reach their mature height of approximately 24 inches when they also start producing the pods

  • Adulthood and Lima Harvesting

Lima pods duly grows from around 60 days and will start to ripen.

Finally, the ripe pods crack open and “throws” the Lima seeds out and away. Each of the seeds may be harvested or left to again germinate (provided conditions permeate)

It will be between 75-80 days from planting, before your lima bean plant is ready for harvesting.

And that, ladies and gentlemen is the lima bean plant life cycle.

Let us now have a look at how to grow lima beans in a cup.


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Growing Lima Beans In a Cup Indoors

First, why would you want to grow Lima beans in a cup?

There are a few compelling reasons…

First, it’s a great method to demonstrate Lima bean’s growing process in a classroom setting…. justification being that the plants sprout quickly, and need very little care.

Then, if the outdoor conditions are presently harsh, gardeners will use this method to commence growing plants as the wait for the growing conditions to improve.

Step By Step Procedure On How To Grow Lima Beans In a Cup

Step 1: Get the seeds for your favorite bean plant from your chosen seed supplier. Be advised that dried beans don’t germinate well since the may have been preserved to be eaten, not grown.

Step 2: Pick a cup and fill soil to its top.

Step 3: Make a hole in your soil at the mid of your cup by inserting one finger 1-inch deep into the soil

Step 4: Push the Lima bean into the bottom of your hole then cover that hole with soil.

Also, compress the soil slightly to ensure it isn’t too loose. Do not over- compress as you may block its roots and those of other growing parts.

Step 5: Water your seed gently. You may just sprinkle enough water since the idea is to moisten the soil- remember beans grow better in moist soil (not wet).


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Step 6: Now Place your cup in a spot with lots of sunlight. It will need plenty of light for between 6-8 hours daily. Also remember to water it on demand

Step 7: Over the following few days, your seeds will sprout! And also begin growing roots. This should be between 3-5 days after step 6.

Step 8: When its roots reach around 1 ½ inches long, transfer it to clay pots.

Fill your pot with soil, and then create 2 holes using your finger in the soil.

Then, place the beans- roots side down- in the pot, still using your finger. Then cover with more soil.

Continue watering the plants so that the soil remains damp.

It will now be approximately 6-9 days since you planted.

Step 9: Your plants should break out of the soil and grow leaves a few days after planting.

Now, you can now transfer your seeds to the outside garden, – in case you want to grow real Lima beans- or watch them mature indoors by or making use of urn planters and vegetable grow bags!

This should be 10-11 days from the planting.


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How Much Water Do Lima Beans Need?

To do well, the soil around the plant should always be moist, never wet or soggy. Problems like poor seed germination, diseases and pests arise if you let the soil soak at any given time during the process.

Wrapping Up

So, as you can see growing lima beans in a cup is so easy and everyone can do it.

The other important thing is to remember to take care of the plant during the various stages of its life cycle.

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Your fellow gardener…


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Gaurav Mongia is a seasoned author and a marketing professional with more than 15 years of experience in the field. Gaurav is known for his expertise in digital marketing, branding, and market research, and is highly respected by his colleagues and clients alike.