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2 Ways to Grow Micro Greens Easily At Home

Micro Greens

Micro greens, as the name suggests, are the first leafy forms of vegetables, herbs, spices, and legumes we eat. Microgreens, which can be quickly grown at home, are an intense source of nutrients and are full of beneficial enzymes due to their rapid growth.

Microgreens have become indispensable for gourmet restaurants in recent years. They are served alongside many dishes and desserts in various colors and shapes, providing a sophisticated presentation and surprising aroma. Health enthusiasts are also looking for alternatives to growing microgreens at home. 

Always ask the experts for the best advice and seed recommendations to not fail on your harvest.

General aspects of growing microgreens

Microgreens that can be grown from all kinds of plants we eat have all the adult plant’s nutritional, vitamin, and mineral properties and a more intense taste and aroma. It is possible to obtain microgreens from seeds with wheat, chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas, spicy herbs, parsley, arugula, and cabbage.

Including the microgreens’ stem and leaves, they have a size between 2 and a half to 7 and a half centimeters. The leaves, although very small, are the partially developed true leaves of the adult plant.

You can quickly grow microgreens in your home, balcony, or even on your kitchen counter and consume them raw or cooked.

  • Growing Micro Greens

You can quickly grow organic microgreens at home. All you need to do is, use any completely edible plant.

A window that receives sunlight, preferably south-facing, will be enough to grow your micro-greenery. If you think your environment is not getting enough light, you can also use a lighting lamp. Even lamps mounted under kitchen cabinets can do the trick.

As a flower pot, you can use a shallow, wide pot. Put 2 to 5 centimeters high potting soil in your chosen pot or growing container. If possible, choose organic potting soil. Make the soil as smooth and flat as possible after putting it in the pot.

Sprinkle your seeds evenly over the soil. Soaking the seeds overnight will speed up the germination time of the bread. But wet sources are more difficult to distribute than dry seeds. The choice is yours!

After placing the seeds, cover them with soil and water them with clean water. Always use a spray watering can for irrigation.

To keep the seeds evenly moist while waiting for them to germinate, water them several times a day and allow them to receive heat and light for at least 4 hours throughout the day.

  • Harvest Micro Greens

Microgreens are usually ready to harvest within 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the seed used. And, you should always use the best seeds for the most excellent outcomes. This way, you will be amazed at your harvest.

When they’re grown enough, cut them above ground level with kitchen scissors and consume them as desired. Keeping their roots in the soil will allow them to grow again. This way, your microgreens will always be ready for your meals. So, it is always advised to grow microgreens at home for swift solutions.


Given the busy and hectic schedule, taking care of your health may fall slack. This is why you need to take every step that will take you one step closer to better health. Microgreens are those essential components that you must consume every day with your meals. And, hence you must consider microgreens without soil at home. This will allow you to maintain a dose of good health every time within the convenience of your own home. Good luck and all the best!

Next articleherb seed pod kit
Gaurav Mongia is a seasoned author and a marketing professional with more than 15 years of experience in the field. Gaurav is known for his expertise in digital marketing, branding, and market research, and is highly respected by his colleagues and clients alike.



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